9/04/2014 Consider regular pentagon ABCDE such that DEFG is a square. Find the measures of EAF, AFD and DAF.

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9/04/2014 Solution. Sketch a figure to satisfy the given conditions.

Since ABCDE is a regular pentagon, the interior angle
AED = 108°, and ADE is an isosceles triangle, ADE = 36°. Also, AEF = 162° since DEF = 90° and AED = 108° [subtracting from 360°]. As AEF is an isosceles triangle, EAF = 9° = AFE. Therefore, DAF = 36° + 9° = 45° and AFD = 45° + 9° = 54°.

EAF = 9°, AFD = 54° and DAF = 45°.